Sunday, May 31, 2009

What's the solution??

31/05/09 – Sunday  (1.45pm)

Sometimes I really strain my brain cells to cork-screw-turning-in-my-head condition thinking how to deal with those demon-headed cold-hearted human bulls that go on rampage whenever things don’t fall in their expected scheme of things.

With minds bloating with a fall sense of power, that they have self-proclaimed owning to their allegiance with either an upcoming goon or a fledging or otherwise political party, they are those menial wannabe politicians or prospective goons who have no respect for the sublime things of life like compassion, integrity, peace and non-violence.

And in their wake to prove that they are beyond right, they maul up anything that is simple and common as far as a human being is concerned.

I had a chance encounter with one of those so called inhuman species last week, comfortably and proudly claiming his position in a civilized society, when I was moving out of my office after the day’s work.

I had just walked out of the rear gate of my office feeling happy that the day went well when I saw a thin and petite little frame in flesh and bone riding a bicycle heading straight to a motorcycle, probably a bullet or a pulsar (but that’s not important), coming from the wrong side of the road and the law.

While relying completely on his presence of mind, the 20-something boy instantly shifting his weight between the two peddles of the cycle successfully managed to avoid a collision that would have led to severe damages only to him.

However, as we humans are made, whenever we manage to outdo an unexpected turn of events, an instant and unprepared verbal reaction emanates from our vocal chords. Now depending on what could have been the turn of events in case our maneuverability with nature was not syncronised, we emanate a cheer or a curse!

And an instant curse was what escaped the lips of this poor little fellow, who had managed a heroic feat seconds ago saving himself, the mobike rider and his pillion of wounds and bruises.

The moment the curse resounded in the ears of the two monsters riding the bike, the rider screeched the bike to a halt. While the rider found his first occupation to kill the engine, his pillion had another important duty foremost on his mind.

What was this pressing duty? To inflict the damages on the poor fellow which he had just tactfully managed to give a dodge. And why? Because the pillion didn’t find it a fact to appreciate that the curse was actually meant for him and his idiot companion riding the bike without a head-gear and on the wrong side.

So what did our villain do? Without even giving time for an amiable compromise (in fact a mumbling utterance of sorry from the motorcycle rider was all that was needed), he landed his thick fleshy right fist into the fellow’s ribs, sending him to the ground withering in pain the very moment.

That was when I just couldn’t take it and jumped into the scene to stop the nonsense that was taking place. But, I was wrong. I am, or for that matter, anybody who claims to be a part of the society with no political or financial clout could have stopped this 5’10” man in a wild boar’s body.

When I went straight into him to stop his rising fist for his second blow, that was when I got a chance to read his face and the good-for-nothing anger oozing out of all the natural openings that the Creator has bestowed on the human face.

The expressions doing the rounds on his crooked and stoned face were one of defiance of anything and everything which is weak or which was law.  It will not be a misnomer if I say that his face foolishly said that he even defied not only the civil laws, but also universal laws such as the Newton’s law of gravity and Einstein’s law of relativity.

Though it is understandable that it was possible that with looks of a roadside goon who just took a bath, his grey cells were not graduated enough to comprehend what was right or wrong. But what was unacceptable was that he thought even if he was on the wrong side of ethics and moral, he had a right to forcibly shove off his strength into a weaker link. And that too on a person who was unfortunately right.

It’s a pity that in a country like India, where politicians’ speeches reeks nothing but of democracy and equanimity of existence, where people are being given hopes of a leading world power, a place where on the macro level goons and vandals are losing elections, there at the grassroot level, weaker people are oppressed. And it has nothing to do with race, caste or creed, but muscle power and perhaps money power.

I wonder how to deal with these uncivilized people who don’t understand sound words spoken from a sound head. My incessant tries of asking him to stop his nuisance left him more and more aggravated to prove that he was somebody even he didn’t know who.

If an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, then why not an eye for a hand so that a lesson is learnt for all those who feed these human-headed wild boars that the weak is weak as long as he is quiet.

But that is not a solution, after all we don’t want Talibanisation of our society, we are a democracy, huh! Then what is the solution??? I am still waiting for an answer after four days of the encounter with all efforts falling flat on a hopeless territory called vain.


Akanshaa said...

Even I have come across some of these idiots and take the course of verbal abuse most of the times. But somethign drastic needs to be done to teach a lesson to these "dharti par boojh" people. Well written blog.

Unknown said...

very well expressed thoughts.several of such goondas stay near my building. i have seen them grow from nobodys to owning flats in prime localities just by virtue of joining some political party and becoming the shakha pramukhs. its these goons who care two hoots about disturbing the peace in residential localities. if u go to teach them a lesson, not only u but ur family and friends will also be in danger. u cant even approach the police for this, as these goons have strong financial power. so what to do?is the question. its good to say that i want to take on these individuals, but near impossible when u know that they can harm ur family in multiple ways. thats when u feel that let god alone punish them. im saying this cause ive heard of a 73 eyar old man getting beaten when he raised his voice against such goondas. now tell me, if these cretures dont care about an aged man who disapproves of thier dealings, what chances do we have?

Anonymous said...

care a fuck about them and talk to them in the language they talk..there is no other solution...if someone hits me twice I will at least punch him once...that's my philosophy...I don't think they deserve any respect so treat them like you treat dust on the road...under your feet they go whenever you have a chance