Wednesday, December 31, 2008


So now the year end has arrived and unlike lat year i have several good friends who are there around me and hugging me and wishing me.... last year was dry, this year ending is warm and memorable.
Friends, will miss u always.. whereever i go, i will remember these year ending days and hours in offcie, the fun, the giggles, the mischief and above all the the tequila shots... well, well, well, i just realised it is becoming more of a farewell speech than a new year wish. so let me get back to wat i am best in doing.... NOTHING.
Guys, the two taquila shots in office were great. It is a divine feeling.. not only because it was tequila... but especially becasue it was done stealthily. It was like breaking a rule years after college... that is what gave us the kick. As tanvi puts it... although whatever she puts is not like a writing on the wall and i hardly ever pay heed to whatver she says... but this time, coz of new year, i will make an exception... So as tanvi puts its... it was not the fun of taking tequila shots in office but the feeling of mischief behind it that took us to a high. And that ensued two king size goldflake....
That is how u welcome new year and say good bye to the year that is just about to finish in a couple of hours..

thats all for now.....